From a sleepy fishing village of 6000 inhabitants to a bustling modern city today, accounting services in dubai completely transformed itself in the span of 40-50 years. Although it was given a huge boost in its growth due to petrodollars, Dubai realised that it was not able to rely on the income for a long time. The proof is in the fact that, today oil revenues make up approximately 3 and 5 percent of the total. The initial boom began when oil was discovered within the United Arab Emirates. Infrastructure for oil drilling exploration, transportation, and exploration of oil was built across the entire country including Dubai. To accomplish this, untrained and skilled labor was needed. Because the UAE was not equipped with these opening their doors to workers from all over the globe. In the wake of this, people from all around the globe were able to come and work in the UAE. They were not only paid higher than their own countries and, in some instances the exchange rate between the currencies was an important incentive. This allowed the economy of the UAE grow, and everyone, even the Emiratis prospered.
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